Returns Process

  • How do I return my products?

    You can return your products in three easy ways.

    Request a return online

    1. Go to Order History in My Account, select the products you want to return and place a return request.
    2. Pack and seal your products and hand them over to our courier partner along with the invoice. They’ll give you an acknowledgement receipt.
    3. We’ll check your returns and credit your refund to your card, bank account or wallet within 2-7 business days. If you’ve paid by cash, you’ll receive a refund to My Credit in your account. Guest users who have paid by cash will receive a Refund voucher.

    Return to Store

    1. Wrap your products in their original shipping packaging and bring them along with your invoice to any Lifestyle store, where an authorized staff member will take your package.
    2. After we check your returns, we'll process your refund. If you’ve paid by cash, you can ask for a cash refund, or a refund to My Credit in your account if you're a registered user. If you’ve paid by card/ wallet, you can receive a refund to your card/ wallet.

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  • Can I return my purchases to a store?

    Yes, you can now drop off your Lifestyle products to a Lifestyle store.

    Here’s what you need to do.

    1. Visit your nearest store: Wrap your returns in their original shipping packaging and bring it along with your invoice to any Lifestyle store.
    2. Hand over your return: An authorized staff member will take your package.
    3. Receive your refund: After we check your returns, we'll process your refund, or a refund to My Credit in your account.
    If you have paid by Cash on Delivery, the refund will be given in the form Cash or in My credit.
    Note -If any Gift cards are used, it will be refunded in My Credit.
    If you have used Prepaid mode of payment, it will refunded back to your source account.
    (Prepaid Mode of Payment - Debit card, Credit card, Net Banking, UPI and Wallets)

    Don't forget to check the returns policy first to see which products we don't take back.

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  • When will you pick up the products I want to return?

    We will arrange a pickup within 3 business days once the return request has been made.

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  • I just returned my products. When will I receive my refund?

    After we check your returns, we'll approve your refund accordingly.

    If you’ve paid by card or NetBanking, your bank may take 3-5 additional business days to process the transaction.

    If you've paid by cash,

    Online Returns:
    If you return an item purchased with cash, the refund will be credited to ""My Credit"" in your account.

    In-Store Returns:
    For returns made in-store, you can choose for refund to "My Credit" in your account.

    If you've opted to pay by Wallets, your refund will be credited back to your wallet(Mobikwik, PhonePe, PAYTM)

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  • I just cancelled my order. When will I receive my refund?

    "Here’s how your refund works:

    - If you’ve paid by Debit Card, Credit Card, NetBanking or Wallets, your refund will be credited to your card, bank account or wallet as the case may be. Your bank or wallet may take a further 3-5 days to process your refund.

    - If you’ve paid using a My Credit, Gift Vocuher or Landmark Rewards points, you'll receive a refund to My Credit in your account  in 24 hours.

    - As you know, if you’ve selected Cash on Delivery, there will be no refund as you’ve not yet paid for your order."

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  • How do I get a refund if I paid for the order by cash?

    "If you've paid for your order by cash, here’s how it works:

    Online Returns:
    If you return an item purchased with cash, the refund will be credited to "My Credit" in your account.

    In-Store Returns:
    For returns made in-store, you can choose for refund to "My Credit" in your account.

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  • Will you pick up the product from a different address?

    We're sorry, the product can only be picked up from the address it was delivered to.

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  • Can I book a return online?

    Yes, you can make your return online in a few easy steps:

    1. Go to the Order History page in your My Account section.
    2. Click on the order from which you want to return products.
    3. Select the specific products you want to return.
    4. Click ‘Return selected items’.

    After you’ve raised a return request, our courier partner will get in touch with you to schedule a pick-up time. Wrap and seal your products in their original packaging and hand them over.

    Please do check our returns policy first to know which products you can return.

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  • How to transfer my credit balance to bank account?

    To transfer the My Credit amount to bank account, you can drop us an e-mail with the below bank details to our support Id - [email protected]
    1) Beneficary Name 
    2) Bank Name
    3) Account number
    4) IFSC code
    5) Branch Name
    6) Account type

    Note : The My Credit amount received from a gift card is not transferable to your bank account

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